2022/9/22Good God Israel 以色列長子好神教會 Pastor Vincent Shammas文森特.沙瑪斯牧師禱告 Liao Hongwei 廖鴻維-Dunning 鄧寧
禱告 Liao Hongwei 廖鴻維、一生愛主、榮 神益人、遠離惡事、惡人、敬畏耶和華 神、讓耶穌的愛充滿他一生一世、婚姻行在主的愛中彼此相愛中得著財務祝福prayer glorify all his life, God bless people, stay away from evil, wicked people, fear the Lord God, let the love of Jesus fill his life, Marriage walks in the Lord’s love and financial blessings in loving each otherprayer be prosperous all your life, be good to people, stay away from evil, wicked people, fear the Lord God, let the love of Jesus fill him throughout his life,Children grow up healthy, marriage walks in the Lord’s love, financial blessings in loving each other 禱告Dunning 鄧寧、一生愛主、榮 神益人、遠離惡事、惡人、敬畏耶和華 神、讓耶穌的愛充滿他一生一世、孩子健康長大、婚姻行在主的愛中彼此相愛中得著財務祝福prayer be prosperous all your life, be good to people, stay away from evil, wicked people, fear the Lord God, let the love of Jesus fill him throughout his life,Children grow up healthy, marriage walks in the Lord’s love, financial blessings in loving each other
Rev. Dr.Pastor Pauling Lee李寶玲牧師披麻蒙灰教會 基督超自然學校